Rae Ritchie for Generation Wild

Towards the end of last year, I worked on an Instagram follower-lead social media campaign for an outdoor nonprofit in Colorado called Generation Wild. I worked with a team of writers and creatives to interpret an illustrated version of a previously created mascot named Wilder, a half goat, half Yeti who’s goal is to get children off the screens and get outside.


We then threw it out to the company’s followers to choose what Wilder did as he raced the sun on the winter solstice. This was definitely a quick turnaround “hot potato” project that was both challenging and incredibly fun. We even had an animator work with some of the illustrations to really bring it to life for the social media platforms. The style of this project, we decided to really play up Wilder’s beautiful coat with lots of texture and movement. Otherwise, I really tried to keep the compositions simple and focused, both for readability and for time-saving purposes.


You can check out the campaign on Instagram at @generationwildcolorado. A book version is now available as well! - Rae
